Memorial Day & Baseball Brawls

By: Kaila Morales 

Memorial Day baseball took a turn yesterday when benches were cleared during the San Francisco Giants and Washington Nationals game. 
It has been said that both Bryce Harper and Hunter Strickland have had beef with each other since 2014. 
The tension between the two rose when Harper hit two homers off of Strickland during the National League Division Series.

 Three years later it looks like the two still have some unfinished business. Harper got a little heated when Strickland’s 98 mph fastball hit him in the hip.
 Harper gestured toward Strickland with his bat before charging the mound. He attempted to throw his helmet at Strickland, but it was a failed attempt... miserably. 

The two threw a couple punches, and the benches started to clear as everyone raced to the mound.

Everyone except for Giants catcher Buster Posey who stood at the plate calm and collectively. 
He then proceeded to walk in the opposite direction, avoiding the altercation.

 It’s said that there is this unwritten rule that if the batter charges the mound to start a fight with the pitcher, that the catcher is supposed to intervene.

 This however was not the case, maybe Posey is unaware of that unwritten rule. 
Later when asked about his decision not to get involved, Posey said “Those were some big guys tumbling around,” Speculations rose that Posey knew Strickland would hit Harper, which is why he did not  get involved because he was just honoring Strickland’s decision. We also have speculation that Posey might be under some kind of contract that orders him to “stay out” of fights.

Whatever the case may be, we can definitely deem this incident as intentional. 

As much as Strickland wants to say the pitch was supposed to be inside. Strickland has not hit a batter at all this season, and as hit only four in his career prior to this occurrence. 

 Both Harper and Strickland were ejected from the game, the two will now face suspension for the brawl. 

 Harper will serve a four game suspension, while Strickland will get six games. 
