Super Bowl LI Recap

By: Kaila Morales 

Well Super Bowl Ll  is over and done with. Which by the way why isn’t it a national holiday yet?

 If you weren’t already aware the New England Patriots are your Super Bowl LI champions!

 With a final score of 34-28 in OT. Making history as the first Super Bowl game EVER to go into Overtime. 

The Patriots are the first team to reach nine Super Bowls, and now hold the record for the most Super Bowl wins in NFL history after getting their fifth Super Bowl victory tonight. 

Whether you’re a Patriots fan or not, you know that everyone refers to Tom Brady as the GOAT which if you didn’t know stands for “greatest of all time” and whether you believe that or not, well tonight's game might have you convinced that he might really be the GOAT.

 If you’re still wrapped up in the whole deflategate thing, and think that the patriots are cheaters, or just hate the patriots in general, you can’t help but admit that this game was probably the greatest Super Bowl game that we have seen in a while. 

Love him or Hate him you still have to respect Tom Brady as a quarterback. 

So we saw a few great things tonight that made the game what it was.

 For starters how about those unbelievable catches!!!

 The first one from Julio Jones then the one from Julian Edelman. 

Which all had us like" Wait did he really just catch that?!?" 

Yup those catches happened.

 The Atlanta Falcons did no wrong the majority of the game, defense was on it, we saw Brady get sacked a few times, Matt Ryan’s throws were being connected. 

The game was in favor of the Atlanta Falcons all the way, and just when we thought it was game over, well the Patriots did not go down without a fight! 

Like how are we ever supposed to get over that comeback!!!

 One thing is for sure that this game definitely made history, but overall I think what we can take out of it is to Never Give Up! (We know Tom Brady and the Patriots didn’t!)

P.S Personal Shoutout/ Thank you to Stephen for telling me I remind you of Erin Andrews, someone I admire and look up to!
& to Josh for inspiring me to go home and write this story! 


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