Well we're only three months into 2020 and what a wild one it’s been! Does anyone else feel like they need a refund for what was supposed to be “our best year yet”? In the midst of the chaos and what is going on with the covid-19 virus, there has been a cancellation on pretty much everything you can think of. The first and biggest elimination being sports. Precautions had already started to take place as they announced no fans would be present during the NCAA men’s and women’s basketball tournaments. The Golden State Warriors also had announced their new no fan rule. This is all days before, Rudy Gobert from Utah Jazz tested positive for the virus moments before their game against Oklahoma City Thunder. The game was then canceled and players were quarantined. Later on that day it was announced that the NBA had decided to suspend their season until further notice. The next day all other sports decided to follow in their footsteps and suspend their seasons as well. MLB,MlS, NHL and March Madness all CANCELLED! Baseball was just 3 1/2 weeks into their Spring Training, looking forward to their start of the season at the end of the month. March Madness something many fans look forward to in March, was now being referred to as March Sadness. Even Nascar was suspended! Which frankly I think they could have kept that going since they are already isolated in their cars and have no contact with anyone except their pit crew. But I guess no sports means no sports.

As of today, a total of 10 NBA players have been tested positive for the virus. This number including Rudy Gobert and the most recent case Marcus Smart from the Boston Celtics. Four unnamed players tested positive in the D League, one being from the Denver Nuggets organization and three from the Philadelphia 76ers organization. While no cases have been confirmed for either NHL or MLB, there were cases confirmed from the MILB, which includes two New York Yankees minor leaguers. This caused all of the Yankee minor leaguers to be quarantined in hotel rooms for two weeks. NFL’s New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton has also tested positive.
It’s just so crazy that this is happening to anyone! Those in sports aren’t invincible no one is. So just stay inside… this would be a lot better if we could watch sports, but it is what it is. Alright, I’m sure you are all tired of hearing about the coronavirus, but they say a good reporter must state the facts first! So if you made it this far and you’re not bored, thank you!

Okay, let's talk sports!! Even though there are no actual sports, I’ve been so entertained by all this news, especially NFL. They may be in the offseason right now but WOW moves are being made!
Where do I even start.. maybe with the big one and the one that affected a lot of people. Tom Brady taking to Instagram with a heartfelt message that he is parting ways with the Patriots.
Heres my opinion of this: I don’t really agree or see why he did it. He built his whole legacy in New England, he’s been so successful, whether you hate or love the Patriots, no one can deny what an incredible quarterback he’s become over the years. If I spent 20 years with an organization, won six Super Bowl championships with this team, three MVP titles, I wouldn’t want to leave. If he feels the need to win another, he should have tried to win one more with them and then retired. Maybe he’s trying to be the next Brett Farve and retire at 45, I don’t know. He may not have had the season he wanted last year going 12-4 but still better than the Tampa Bay Buccaneers who finished the season 7-9. I guess maybe he needed a change of scenery or wanted to take on a new challenge. I mean, if he wanted a challenge then he should have went all in and gone to the Carolina Panthers. They clearly need the help, finishing the season off 5-11. They also want nothing to do with Cam Newton anymore as they pretty much replace him with Teddy Bridgewater. Anyways I would have loved to see a Brady-McCaffrey duo. I thought that would have been a good fit, but guess not. There was also talks about him going the Chargers, I thought that would have been good, who wouldn’t want to play at a brand new stadium? Apparently not him, so to Tampa he goes!!! Best of Luck TB12inTB

Since I brought up Cam Newton, Yikes! Talk about an ugly football break-up. He makes himself clear via Instagram in bold (ugly) text, that he was basically forced out. Can anyone tell him that no one I mean NO ONE still changes their font to write like that anymore, seeing that alone made me cringe. There have been talks about him going to the Chargers, the Chicago Bears showed interest but they have now traded with the Jacksonville Jaguars for Nick Foles. So that leaves them as no longer an option. The Washington Redskins and New England Patriots are also top suitors. The Patriots probably making the most sense, as head coach Bill Belichick has praised his abilities in the past. Also if the Patriots pull the trigger on this one he comes free of charge, meaning there will be no draft pick compensation involved. Guess we will have to wait and see where he ends up.

 I’m going to briefly touch on Phillip Rivers leaving the Chargers, just because my stance is pretty much the same as it is for Brady. HE SHOULD HAVE JUST STAYED! He also built his name around this team, being with them for 16 years. Although he has no Super Bowl rings to show, that’s not to say he wasn’t successful. He’s earned a few accolades over the years to highlight his career. Realistically though the Chargers probably felt the need to move on from him, as he hasn’t been able to produce for them in the last few years. Finishing 5-11, it makes sense why they would want to part ways and gear up for a new season at the new stadium. I think… He should have just retired!! But Good luck in Indianapolis!

Last but not least Todd Gurley leaving the Rams. Oh, this one hurt, being a Rams fan and actually liking him as a player. He was
my first-round pick this year in fantasy football so that says something. *Actually my first choice was Christian McCaffrey but he was taken…. So second best! Then he didn’t even play/give me points and so I ended up losing Fantasy Football!! WOW! Jokes aside I wholeheartedly respect Gurley and think he’s one of the best RB’s. Rookie of the year in 2015, He lead the NFL for rushing touchdowns in 2017 and 2018. 2x All-Pro and 3x Pro Bowler. He’s done some great things in his career in a short amount of time. So do I see this as a loss for the Rams? Absolutely. From a business side, this was done to free up cap space and if they didn’t do this now they would have owed him way much more, so sadly I guess it had to be done. Gurley being a class act guy took to twitter about it with some humor. He has since signed with the Atlanta Falcons and has expressed his excitement about being back in Georgia. Since he seems super happy to go to Atlanta, then I guess I shouldn’t feel that bad he’s leaving. It doesn’t seem like he’s sad at all for parting ways with the Rams as he hasn’t even written anything in regards to the organization. I’m sensing perhaps a little bit of animosity, he could have at least thanked the fans that loved and welcomed him. Might have lost a little bit of my respect for that, But C’EST LA VIE.

Well until next time! #day9withoutsports
Lets’s hope this all ends soon!
