“ The Importance of Athletic Training”

Hi everyone, it’s been a while… I swear, we have to stop meeting like this, I promise I’ll try to get better. 
So this blog is going to be a little different from my usual. I was sitting around at home and in the mood to write but wasn’t sure what exactly I wanted to cover.  So as everyone does these days when they are looking for input, I took to my Instagram story for some ideas. 

A very good friend who is studying to be an athletic trainer said I should write about 
“ The Importance of Athletic Training”
I have always had major respect for her career choice, and know one day she will be a damn good athletic trainer.

 So instantly I thought “ Yes! I love that” 

And here’s my reason why….Athletic Trainers have the most underrated job in sports.

There’s a high chance that when you’re thinking about sports, athletic trainers never really come to mind.

 But in retrospect, their job is very important! It was brought to my attention that athletic trainers are basically the first responders of sports.

When something goes wrong the athletic trainer is out on the field responding to the situation first hand. Without them, injuries could be much worse if players weren’t able to be tended to right away.

 Of course, their job isn’t all about the sudden injuries, a huge part is the prevention of injuries which require a range of modalities such as taping, electrical stimulation, ultrasounds and using cryotherapy (ice) and thermotherapy (heat). Again all of the things that go on behind closed doors that we don’t even think twice about.  

Athletic trainers have to become well versed on the body which requires proper training and education.Aspiring athletic trainers are required to have a master's degree, as well as pass the Board of Certification (BOC) examination.
Most of their education usually stemming from various anatomy and kinesiology classes. And anyone that has ever taken anatomy knows there is a lot going on when it comes to the human body, so if you’re not making 500 notecards and studying, chances are you won’t be very educated about the body.

 With all of that is hands-on training, because applying what you know hands-on is really where the learning begins. 

We all know that each and every career requires their share of hard -work, but these athletic trainers deserve a damn round of applause! 

So hopefully next time when you spot an athletic trainer when you’re at a sporting event or watching from your tv, you take into consideration their efforts and devotion.
