By: Kaila Morales 
SAN BERNADINO, Calif- Baseball season doesn’t start until spring, but CSUSB’S baseball team got things started early with four scrimmage games this fall. 

This was the first time the Coyotes got to play ball in the fall. 

The first scrimmage game took place against Riverside Community College (RCC), and the second one was played against California Baptist University (CBU). 

Game three was also  against RCC, ending with a game four at Fiscalini field, the home field for the Coyotes. 

Game four was not played against any school, but was instead the 2017 team against the alumni's. 
As a Division II school the team gets three scrimmage games that do not count against their schedule.

This gives the Coyotes a chance to get some practice for the upcoming season. 

“Last year we didn’t get a chance to do this because of the late hire, we have a chance to kind of get our team going, we want to play 3 times against someone else besides ourselves all the time, Coach Martinez said. 

Both Coach Martinez, and Coach Villa will enter their second coaching term for the CSUSB baseball team after taking over last season for Don Parnell. 

Under the coaching of Parnell the Coyotes had a record of 10-39 in 2015, with only 23 wins for the past two seasons 2014-2015. 

Coming in as a first year coaches, it was predicted that the Coyotes would not go far in the 2016 season.

However Martinez , and Villa were very successful in their first year, and led the team to the California Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) Tournament, something that the team had not played in for four years. 

Now the two hope to continue their success for the second time around. 

With 11 seniors leaving from last season, the 2017 team will consist of a bunch of new faces.

“It’s totally different guys, we have a bunch freshman, we have a bunch of  babies,  a bunch of prospects, so its different from that aspect, so everyone brings something a little more different than what we had last year,” Martinez said.

The new roster will have a total of 17 players coming straight out of the high school playing level.  

Adding to the roster is Damion “DJ” Edmonds, and Don Sullivan who are two of the nine players that are returning from last season’s team.

“It’s kind of hard, we have 17 freshman, it’s teaching the game from a stand point all together, and bringing them up to speed. it’s challenging but we can overcome it,” Edmonds said.

Freshman Tyler Van Marter will become a third basemen for the Coyotes, and will have to adjust to the college playing level, along with the 16 other players. 

“Truly it’s a blessing, I like it, it’s definitely a grind, it’s just different it’s extra time, actually going to weights every morning, then school, practice, then back to school, in the beginning I wouldn’t say I was in trouble, but it was definitely difficult,” Van Marter said. 

The roster isn’t the only thing seeing changes, as former player Grant Buchanan will now become an assistant coach, after having been on the team last season. 

“I think I can help them with my experience, and knowledge. Ive been in their shoes and can relate to them very easily,” Buchanan said. 

“I can bring a different perspective to the staff being younger,” he added.

Returning players are happy they have the opportunity to start playing ball so early on this year. 

“Last year we didn’t really have this, because coaches were new and everything, but CBU is the one of the teams in the division, so it was good to play them,” Edmonds said.
Having to adjust to the playing styles of all their new teammates, any practice that the Coyotes can get will be good for them. 

“I feel pretty good, it felt good to start everything back up, it helps out big time for the future, we hope we can progress, and get better each and everyday,” Sullivan said. 

Although scores were not kept in these games this still gives the coaches some insight of what they will need to improve on when the actual season does start. 

“Worry about our offense a little bit, I think our pitchers have been outstanding the whole fall, we just need to get better with the bats a little bit, move the baseball and always can improve on defense, always no errors,” Martinez said. 

The Coyotes look to take in every aspect of these fall ball games to help prepare for a better 2017 season. 
