By: Kaila Morales SAN BERNADINO, Calif- Baseball season doesn’t start until spring, but CSUSB’S baseball team got things started early with four scrimmage games this fall. This was the first time the Coyotes got to play ball in the fall. The first scrimmage game took place against Riverside Community College (RCC), and the second one was played against California Baptist University (CBU). Game three was also against RCC, ending with a game four at Fiscalini field , the home field for the Coyotes. Game four was not played against any school, but was instead the 2017 team against the alumni's. As a Division II school the team gets three scrimmage games that do not count against their schedule. This gives the Coyotes a chance to get some practice for the upcoming season. “Last year we didn’t get a chance to do this because of the late hire, we have a chance to kind ...